Jazmin Horio

Shidler Undergraduate

I am studying for a Bachelor's in Management Information Systems under Shidler School of Business at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Digital Illustration, Esports, Video Games



E6: Evaluation Guidelines and Class Retrospective BLOG

23 May 2023

Briefly describe your system My e-shop is “The Obsidian Market”, a take on the Dark Web “Black Markets” but with a fun Minecraft-themed spin. You can buy various “illegal” things (things that can usually only be had through mods) in...


E5: Reflecting on Assignment 2 Technical Essay

21 May 2023

Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details Assignment 2 is a more expansive version of Assignment 1. There is now a Login and Registration page users can go to that...


E4: Progress in Programming Report

20 May 2023

My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: I can more confidently conceptualize the flow of logic and the steps I need to do in my code. I can also utilize extra tools like CSS to customize the...


E3: Preparing for WODs Technical Essay

18 Feb 2023

Invoice 1 The last WOD I completed was Invoice 1. Invoice 1, which can be found [here (https://github.com/jhorio/ITM352_S23_repo/tree/main/WODs/Invoice1)], involved the usage of expressions, variables, and tables to create a webpage that displayed an invoice for multiple products. I feel that...


E1: UI Basics Technical Essay

30 Jan 2023

Browser History 1 First looking at the content I had to go through, I already had a feeling I would DNF my first attempt at Browser History 1. Though most of the steps involved rudementary structuring of a website and...


Introduce Yourself

18 Jan 2023

To be quite honest, I’m still unsure as to what I truly wish to pursue as a field of study or career. In the moment, I think of myself as Jazmin. The girl who likes to put way too many...

Introduction MIS