E5: Reflecting on Assignment 2 Technical Essay

21 May 2023

Assignment 2 is a more expansive version of Assignment 1. There is now a Login and Registration page users can go to that have their own set of validations. They cannot access the invoice without logging into an account with their email and password first. If they don’t have an account they can register with a full name, email, and password while also putting in a repeat of their password. Upon successful Log In, they are greeted with the invoice and their name in a thank you message. They can then go back to the products display by logging out.

What did you learn from this assignment?

I am much more aware of params and queries and how to access them. So much of our sites rely on properly putting errors/user info in the query and using params.has to display error messages and such. This was also the case in Assignment 1, but I also needed to add deletions as to not have the errors repeat over and over again while also defining way more errors.

Did you work with a partner? Assign an estimated percentage on the amount each team member contributed to the assignment (including yourself).

I made my own site.

How did you get help when you needed it? What did you need help with?

I got some help from peers and teacher. But most of my issues needed the help of ChatGPT and other websites that explained commands in the context of an e-commerce store.

How was developing this assignment different than assignment #1?

Validations were still implemented, but they worked a little differently from assignment 1 and I needed a whole new approach to it.

Estimate the % of time you spent (a) thinking about how to do something, (b) writing code but do not include testing, (c) testing and debugging

I think it was 10% thinking, 30% writing and 70% testing. I spent a lot of time on errors from the code I wrote and had to change out many things over and over again.

Describe what worked well with this project? What did not work well?

I was able to get all my errors to display correctly and prevent invoice access without the user logging in (without cookies and sessions). I was still having a problem with my quantities available updating correctly after adding a new path users can take from the registration page instead of going to the invoice straight.

If you could go back in time and do things differently, what would you do differently?

I wish I had realized certain things about my validations that were just simple logic/mistping errors in the end. I wasted so much time thinking it was a problem with my params instead of just looking at my raw function and placement.