Introduce Yourself

18 Jan 2023

To be quite honest, I’m still unsure as to what I truly wish to pursue as a field of study or career.

In the moment, I think of myself as Jazmin.

The girl who likes to put way too many things on her plate and end of procrastinating on them all anyway.

The girl who enjoys spending time drawing on tablet programs, watching her favorite teams compete in video game tournaments, and finding the latest games to try herself or observe others play on YouTube.

I do not think of a girl who knows what she wants to do.

The girl who eminates confidence and is not terrified of slight mistakes leading to catastrophic failure.

I am still trying to create my own path and find my trajectory in life. At the very least, I can say the MIS major has helped with that.

I decided on pursuing MIS because it provides me the hard skills I can apply to a variety of different fields, even if it does not end up being strictly related to programing. It is a leg-up I can gain on my competitors when applying to jobs regardless of the industry. With this, I am also allowed some flexibility in my curriculum to add other media-related classes I can also use to supplement my resume and solidify my interests.